Five property turn-offs to avoid when selling your home

If you’re thinking of selling, make sure your property doesn’t contain any of these five major turn-offs for buyers…

1. Too much clutter

only is clutter off-putting for buyers trying to visualise living in
your property, it also hints at a distinct lack of storage.

Space is everything when it comes to property and belongings stacked to the ceiling will turn off buyers in a major way.

You don’t have to rid yourself of everything you own, of course.

clear away the things gathering dust or additional pieces of furniture
you don’t use and put them in storage away from your property.

2. Bad smells

There’s nothing more off-putting when viewing a property than the smell of animals or cigarettes.

biggest issue with both of those questionable fragrances is you
probably don’t even smell them – because you’ve become used to them.

first step to ridding yourself of unwanted scents in your property is
to ask a friend or family member to visit and perform a ‘sniff test’.

they are overcome by the smell of your property, whether it’s the
aforementioned animals or cigarettes or something less permanent like
spicy food, then your buyers will be, too.

If you can,
stop smoking in your property once the ‘For Sale’ board is up and, ahead
of viewings, open your windows, use air fresheners and ask someone you
know to take the dog for a walk.

3. An un-cared-for exterior

What’s the first thing potential buyers see when they arrive at your property to view it?

That’s right, the exterior.

if the outside of your property has been left to fester through a
pretty torrid winter, there’s a strong chance that key first impression
will be negative.

Have a tidy-up, clean pathways and drives and prune back any unruly plants, hedges or trees.

How you present your property on the outside will tell a buyer a lot about what they can expect inside.

4. Too much noise

Even buyers who love the hustle and bustle or living in a town or city need a little peace and quiet from time to time.

And it’s usually home that provides it.

So, if your property is noisy on the inside as well as the outside, it could be time to spend a little to improve it.

Of course, you can’t stop cars using your road, nor can you halt trains using a rail line near your home.

you can improve things like glazing to block out the sound and if your
neighbours aren’t the quietest, you should request that they keep noise
to an acceptable level so as not to put off potential buyers.

5. An over-keen vendor

That’s right, you, too, can be a massive turn-off for buyers.

completely understand why you might want to conduct viewings yourself –
after all, nobody knows your property better than you.

If you’re selling through an online-only estate agent, then you might have to undertake viewings as part of your sale. But if you don’t have to, then don’t.

need space to breathe and think when viewing properties to buy, but
vendors on viewings have a habit of not allowing this by talking too
much and following buyers around.

It’s understandable, of course – you’re passionate about your home and want to achieve a sale at a good price.

But leaving viewings to your estate agent is almost always the best option.

If you would like more advice before putting your property up for sale, get in touch with your local Parkers branch who can visit your home to conduct a valuation of your property.

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