6 signs it’s time to put your home on the market

Owning a home is a wonderful feeling, but sometimes over the years you can start to fall out of love with the property or the location, and it’s important to know when it’s time to move on. Here are the 6 signs that you’re ready to put your home on the market and take your next big step up the property ladder…

You don’t feel like decorating

If the inside of your home feels drab but you can’t muster the motivation to change up the décor,
the problem might not be the home itself, but the length of time you’ve lived in it. Your house should be the place you come to retreat and relax, and if walking through the front door doesn’t fill you with a sense of joy anymore, you may simply need a change of surroundings. There’s nothing wrong with outgrowing a home – this happens to most people at some point!

Your lifestyle has changed

A lot has changed over the past few years; more people are working from home; others are so busy at their on-site jobs that they aren’t spending as much time at home as they used to. Whatever your situation, your home should accommodate your needs. You might find that upsizing or downsizing can do just that.

Other properties have caught your eye

If you find yourself browsing through the listings on property portals, fantasising about a new life or craning your neck in the car to see the house behind the ‘For Sale’ sign – you’re probably ready to take the plunge and book a viewing.

You’ve built some equity on your current home

Having positive equity gives you the upper hand when it comes to selling your home and will ensure that you’re financially ready for your next move. This is especially true if you’re thinking about moving to a bigger property with a larger mortgage.

Your neighbours have sold for a good price

If you’re noticing a few of your neighbours are selling their houses at great prices, this is a good indicator that house prices in your location have gone up. You should organise a valuation to find out if your home could achieve the same and consider striking while the iron is hot.

Your commute is too long

If you’ve lived in your home for a long time, you might have changed jobs and found that your commute is longer than it used to be. If this is the case, a working day that starts early and finishes late can leave you too burnt-out to spend quality time with the people in your home. If your commute is contributing to this issue, you’ll be able to find a better balance between work and home if you move to a more convenient location
that’s closer to your workplace.

The kids have grown up

If you’re starting to notice that your family has outgrown your home, it’s probably time for a move. Whether or not your family is still expanding, people grow and change constantly, and you might find that a space that was suitable a few years ago, isn’t quite as fitting anymore. Adding private spaces and larger rooms will help to accommodate your family’s needs, and you’ll be better prepared for the future.

Are you thinking about selling your home in 2023? Contact our team of experts today.

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