How to make yourself stand out in a crowd of buyers

The January rush will soon be upon us, and when the imminent wave of buyers with New Year’s resolutions rolls in, you will need to make yourself stand out from the crowd. Whether you’ve got your eye on your first home, or you’re ready for the next big move; showing that you’re a desirable buyer can make all the difference.

Here are some simple tips to help you get to the front of the buyers’ queue…

Sell before you buy

Being ‘chain-free’ is a valuable trait to have as either a buyer or seller, and it also distinguishes you from other competitors as the process will be inherently less complicated. Sellers often look for applicants who will be able to move quickly so that they can get moving themselves. Therefore, selling before you buy will instantly put you at an advantage against other potential buyers.

You can start up the moving process by getting a valuation.

Get your finances sorted

An effective way to show that you are serious, is to have all your finances in order. Having a mortgage agreement in principle is ideal if you want to get ahead of other offers, as some sellers might not consider buyers who do not have an AIP to view.

Other than just showing that you are reliable, having your documents sorted and at the ready is also very helpful for all parties involved. Anti-money laundering regulations require clear evidence of where funds for a purchase are coming from. So, you must make sure that you have collected all necessary evidence of this (i.e., bank statements) and have them organised and ready.

Work out your moving budget

It’s important to work out your total moving budget, which includes things like furniture, repairs and decorating costs. Being prepared for these extra costs will enable you to work out your final overall budget for the house – which might be handy in the event of a bidding war. Sometimes hasty answers or last-minute panics can result in buyers overestimating or underestimating their budget, so having a clear and informed idea of your maximum offer will allow you to give a confident answer, and the best possible chance of securing the sale.

Make your interest in the property clear

are looking for someone reliable and serious about moving. If you’re willing to work around their timeline, let them know. If the property and location is ideal for you and your family, let them know. Your persistence, enthusiasm and willingness to communicate will flag up to the seller that you’re a dependable candidate to choose.

Estate agents at Parkers are always happy to help, and if you establish a rapport with yours and show that you’re eager to get moving, this will be relayed to your seller. They will know that you’re serious about your potential new home and willing to be flexible, so they can put in a good word for you.

Are you looking for a new home? Contact our expert team today.

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